For Institutions
Provide your patrons an electronic library of cardiovascular medicine titles that focus on a clinical and practical approach.
Our cardiology titles, well regarded and studied by allied health professionals, nurses, fellows, and physicians, are written by internationally recognized physician-authors, and cover clinically relevant areas of electrophysiology, cardiac anatomy, ECGs, congenital heart disease, heart failure, and other topics in cardiac medicine.
Libraries and patrons can:
- Access anytime, anywhere, today's premier cardiology books.
- View online or download to desktop, laptop, or mobile devices.
- Search within individual titles or across the entire collection.
- Annotate, highlight, or bookmark information for ready reference.
Increase the practical knowledge of cardiovascular medicine of your patrons with our specialty collections.
• Customized collections that focus on areas of your interest, such as electrophysiology, ECG and cardiac device case studies, 2015 titles, or multi-disciplinary care of the cardiac patient.
• Case-based collections for self-assessment and to prepare for board and certification examinations.
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